Sunday, March 8, 2009

He Is There and He Is Not Silent

Francis Schaeffer makes my brain hurt.  Just finished reading He Is There and He Is Not Silent, the third book in what Schaeffer calls his trilogy, the other books being The God Who Is There and End of Reason.  I probably should have read them in sequence, maybe the gaps would have been filled.

So appropriate to the cultural milieu we find ourselves in today.  In a nutshell - remove God from the equation and there is absolutely no basis for reality, no basis for morals, no basis for knowledge, no basis for existence.

Without God, how does one account for a sense of right and wrong?  How does one account for personality if we have "evolved" from an impersonal force or matter?

It is my conclusion, and Schaeffer's too, that Christianity provides the only plausible, non-contradictory answer for knowing, for morality, for existence.

1 comment:

  1. He makes my brain hurt too... but in a good way, like the feeling of hurt you have after a good workout... you know muscle has been torn and so growth will occur.
