Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nothing Happy or Holy About Halloween

Driving around today, I passed a number of signs on houses whimsically proclaiming, "Happy Halloween"! It started me thinking that there really wasn't anything happy about Halloween, unless of course you like ghouls, goblins, ghosts, witches, severed heads and mutilated body parts, and keeping dentists employed - don't get me wrong, I have nothing against dentists.

Historians suggest that Halloween had its origin with the Celts who believed that, at this time of year, the border between this world and the netherworld became thin allowing both evil and good spirits to pass between the two worlds. Don't laugh - people today believe some really bizarre things (reference Thetans and Scientology)

In addition to being dubbed "Happy", somewhere in history Halloween also became a holiday - meaning holy, set apart. It is certainly holy and set apart if you happen to be a member of the Satanic Church. Halloween is considered the high holy day for Satan worshipers. It is a day for animal sacrifice, suspected human sacrifice, and orgiastic rituals to Satan.

By the way, enjoy your candy!